52歌赋>英语词典>knock against翻译和用法

knock against

英 [nɒk əˈɡenst]

美 [nɑːk əˈɡenst]

(使)撞击;击打; 偶然碰到




  • I was always telling my friends that being raped would be the worst thing that could happen to anyone. Knock up against an old friend
  • Martin got a knock against Stoke which wasn't too bad but we thought it wasn't a good idea for him to travel and play an international.
  • Since then, the man no longer did farm work, just waiting near the tree every day for another hare to knock itself against the tree.
  • French prospect Pogba picked up a slight knock in the Reserves'2-1 win against Rochdale last Thursday but is in line for his senior debut.
  • Knock the mould against the table to dislodge the mooncake.
  • ( 1 h) knock down rate was ( 98.03%) and ( 24 h) mortality was 100% against Musca domestica vicina;
  • What agreement shall the earthen pot have with the kettle? for if they knock one against the other, it shall be broken.
  • Being caught in the fog, people felt their way along the walls of houses with one hand, while they put out the other in front of them so as not to knock against something or somebody.
  • Another popular knock against emerging markets is their reputation for poor corporate governance and less market-friendly government policies.
  • "Rafa got a knock against Arsenal, but hopefully he'll train today," the boss told reporters at Friday's pre-match press conference.